Out-of-copyright Books: New editions and new publications.

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The reediting work consists of:

17,000 pages
4,500 original references, verified and formatted to modern reference style.
1174 Chinese references, verified and formatted
625 supplementary references
1839 supplementary bibliographical references
18100 Chinese terms, verified and transliterated into modern pinyin
1276 original illustrations, enhanced using modern graphic design technology.




1. Henke, Frederick G. A Study in the Psychology of Ritualism. 1910.


Chinese tradition

2. Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre. Mémoire sur la vie et les opinions de Laozi. 1823.
3. Balfour, Frederic H. Daoist Texts. Ethical, political and speculative. 1884.
4. Balfour, Frederic H. Zhuangzi, The divine classic of Nan hua. 1880.
5. Giles, Herbert Allen. San Zi Jing - Three Character Classic - Elementary Chinese. 1900.
6. Giles, Herbert Allen. The remains of Laozi, with Critics. 1886.
7. Giles, Herbert Allen. Zhuangzi, mystic, moralist, and social reformer. 1889.
8. Julien, Stanislas. Le Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu - Composé dans le VIe siècle avant l'ère chrétienne par le philosophe Laozi. 1842.
9. Pauthier, Guillaume. Essais sur le Daoisme. 1831.
10. Pauthier, Guillaume. San Zi Jing -  Classique des Trois Caractères. 1873.
11. Prémare, Joseph Henri Marie. Chroniques de la Chine ancienne.
12. Prémare, Joseph Henri Marie. Vestiges des principaux dogmes chrétiens. 1878.
13. Serejski, Eric (Tr.). The Chinese Kama Sutra. 2007.
14. Serejski, Eric (Tr.). Le Kama Sutra chinois. 2011.
15. Watters, Thomas. Guide to the Tablets in a Temple of Confucius. 1879.
16. Watters, Thomas. Laozi, a study in Chinese philosophy. 1870.

Western tradition

17. Bonneville, Nicolas de. Les Jésuites chassés de la maçonnerie et leur poignard brisé par les maçons. 1788.
18. Bonneville, Nicolas de. The Jesuits Driven Away from Masonry and Their Dagger Shattered by Freemasons. 1788.
19. Carr, Thomas. The ritual of the Operative free masons. 1911.
20. Goblet d'Alviella, Eugène. Des origines du grade de maître dans la franc-maçonnerie. 1907.
21. Goblet d'Alviella, Eugène. The migration of symbols. 1894.
22. Doesburg, Blanchard. Freemasonry Illustrated 1 - The complete Ritual of the first three masonic degrees and capitular degrees. 1916.
23. Doesburg, Blanchard. Freemasonry Illustrated 2 - The complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (1). 1905.
24. Doesburg, Blanchard. Freemasonry Illustrated 3 - The complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (2). 1905.
25. Duncan, Malcolm. Masonic Ritual and Monitor. 1866.
26. Gratton, Frederick M. Freemasonry in Shanghai and Northern China. 1900.
27. Janet, Claudio. Les précurseurs de la franc-maçonnerie. 1887.
28. Lethaby, William R. Architecture, Mysticism and Myth. 1892.
29. Newton, Joseph F. The Builders. A Story and Study of Masonry. 1914.
30. Oliver, George. Book of the lodge and Aphorisms. 1864.
31. Oliver, George. History of initiation. 1841.
32. Pérau, Gabriel-Louis. L'ordre des francs-maçons trahi et Le secret des Mopses. 1766.
33. Ruskin, John. Seven Lamps of Architecture. 1907.
34. Saint-Victor, Louis. Recueil précieux de la maçonnerie adonhiramite. 1787.
35. Serejski, Eric (Ed.). Initiation across cultures – Eight essays. 1914.
36. Serejski, Eric (Ed.). Essays on the Masonic Degrees (1897-1903). R. F. Gould, W. J. Hughan, G. W. Speth and J. Lane.
37. Sickles, Daniel Edgar. The General Ahiman Rezon. 1867.
38. Smith, George. Use and Abuse of Freemasonry. 1783.
39. Stevens, James. Chips from a rough ashlar 'knocked off' by the gavel of common sense. 1885.
40. Taxil, Léo. Révélations complètes sur la franc-maçonnerie. Les sœurs maçonnes. 1886(?).
41. Toland, John. Pantheisticon, or the Form of Celebrating the Socratic Society. 1751.
42. Wilson, Thomas. Le Maçon démasqué, ou le vrai Secret des Francs Maçons, mis au jour dans toutes ses parties. 1751.



43. Davis, John Francis. The poetry of the Chinese. Poeseos sinicae commentarii 解詩文漢. 1870.
44. Edkins, Joseph. Essays on Chinese poetry. 1876-1889.
45. Hervey de Saint Denis, Léon. Li sao, ou Tristesse de la séparation, de Chuci. 1870.
46. Hervey de Saint Denis, Léon. Poésies de l'époque des Tang. 1862.
47. Obata, Shigeyoshi. The works of Li Bai. 1922
48. Saadi. Bustan or Fragrances Garden (Davie, Tr.). 1882.
49. Saadi. Gulistan or Rose Garden (Gladwin, Tr.). 1865.



50. Dognée, Eugène-M.-O. Les Symboles Antiques. L'Œuf. 1865.
51. Dumoutier, Gustave. Essais sur la symbolisme asiatique. 1891.
52. [Lessing, Gotthold Ephraïm. Nathan le Sage. 1862
53. Matthews, William Henry. Mazes and labyrinths. 1922.
54. Portal, Frédéric. Des Couleurs Symboliques dans l'antiquité, le moyen-âge et les temps modernes. 1837
55. Portal, Frédéric. On Symbolic colors; in antiquity, the middle ages and modern times. 1845.
56. Triad 1. Schlegel, Gustaaf. Tiandi Hui 天地會 The Hong-league Or Heaven-Earth-league. A Secret Society with the Chinese in China and India. 1866.
57. Triad 2. Stanton, William. The Triad Society. 1905.
58. Triad 3. Serejski, Eric (Ed.). Essais on the Tiandi Hui or Triad Society. 1826-1900.
59. Vallier, Gutsave. Un œuf de Paques dauphinois. 1880.



60. de Harlez, Charles. Essays on the Yijing. 1887–1896.
61. Terrien de la Couperie, Albert. The Yijing – The oldest book of the Chinese and its authors. 1892.
62. Edkins, Joseph. The Yijing, a book of Divination and Philosophy. 1883-1886.
63. Takashima, Kaemon. Treatise of Interpretation of the Yijing. 1893.
64. Philastre, Paul-Louis-Félix. Yijing. Yichuan et Benyi (FR). Partie 1. 1885.
65. Philastre, Paul-Louis-Félix. Yijing. Yichuan et Benyi (FR). Partie 2. 1885.


Indian tradition – Yoga

66. Ewing, Arthur H. The Hindu conception of the functions of breath. 1901.
67. Gupta, Kaviraj Russick Láll. Study and examination of Pulse according to Sage Kaṇāda. 1891.
68. Woods, James H. Yoga sutras of Patanjali with the The Jewel's Lustre. 1915.


Medical Lore

69. Early Essays on Acupuncture and Moxa - 1. Acupunctura and Acupuncturation

   Dunglison, Robley. Acupuncture (1839).
   Elliotson, John. Acupuncture (1832).
   Morand, J. Memoir on Acupuncturation (1825). Translated by Franklin Bache.
   Churchill, James Mors. A Treatise on Acupuncturation (1821).
   Kaempfer, Engelbeit. Of the Cure of the Colick by the Acupunctura; Moxa (1727).

70. Early Essays on Acupuncture and Moxa - 2. Moxibustion

   Larrey, D. J. On the Use of Moxa as a Therapeutical Agent (1822). Translated by Robley Dunglison.
   Temple, William. An Essay upon the Cure of the Gout by Moxa (1677).

71. Early Essays on Acupuncture and Moxa - 3. Moxibustion

   Boyle, James. A Treatise on Moxa (1825).
   Wallace, William. A Physiological Enquiry Respecting the Action of Moxa and Its Utility in Inveterate Cases (1827).